is like finding a real treasure!

by Alejgia

Hi, I am originally from Italy but I have lived most of my life in the US. I just love traveling and, being biased as I am from the region, I feel that the Mediterranean (and Italy of course ;-) is one of the most fascinating places in the world. It is a place that was blessed by nature, weather and historical and cultural beauty! So it seems obvious that a cruise in the Mediterranean is a MUST for any one loving to travel.

Now, there is just one detail, things in the Mediterranean port of calls (an probably in all ports worldwide) are not necessarily well organized!

I mean, I am from Italy and I know that ALL my friends from the US would soon get lost in a country that is as disorganized as it is beautiful. Same goes for most parts of the world, I mean, if you are not from there, and if you are traveling you probably are not, cultural and languages differences are likely enough to get you confused and stressed.

As a traveler in a foreign country, at the very least one ends up spending more money and MORE TIME, than any local would have doing exactly the same thing. Now with the global crisis money is important for just about anybody, but for cruise travelers there is nothing more important than time!!

So.... finding a site like is like finding a real treasure! There are more time and money saving tips here than anywhere else I have seen!

My sincere compliments to Ralph and Martina for this most valuable collection of information!! I believe your web site is truly unique!

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Oct 12, 2015
Valuable Mediterranean Cruise Ports Info
by: Anonymous

I love this site. I have put it to my bookmarks.

Jul 31, 2011
Thank you Alejgia!
by: Martina and Ralph

Dear Alejgia, thank you so much for your comment.

You are so right, getting around Mediterranean ports-of-call is very different compared to the Caribbean ones, for example.

We have witnessed many a passenger's confused face as they get off the ship and realize that.

Planning your day ahead in the Med really is important. That's why we will keep giving our readers tips on how to do that and of course, how to save money while having a great time in one of the most wonderful places on earth!

Martina and Ralph

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