Mysterious back streets of Rhodes town Greece

"Enjoy your walk back in time in the little mysterious streets of Rhodos town Greece..."

Although there are a few sights in Rhodes town Greece which absolutely cannot be missed, the biggest tip we can give you is… do not restrict yourself to touristy areas of Rodos town only!

The labyrinth of streets that spread out on the southern part of the walled old town is one of the best kept secrets of Rhodes town in Greece. In medieval times, that part of town was known as Hora.

Hora is where the citizens of Rhodes lived. As opposed to Kollakion which was the Knights’ administrative center (Street of the Knights with the Palace of the Grand Master).

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Before you head into the little mysterious streets of Rhodes town, make sure you have a lot of memory in your camera and flat, comfortable shoes as the streets are all cobble-stoned.

rhodes fountain picture, rhodos pictures, rodos

To get there, enter the old town through the Panagias gate which you can locate on our Rhodes map. Most Mediterranean cruise guests use this entrance as it is only a few minutes walk from your cruise ship dock.

Walk down the Pindoaroy or Aristotelous street and randomly pick one of the streets to your left.

All of a sudden, just a few steps away from the loud cafes, beer chugging crowds and avalanches of cheap souvenirs, you will find yourself in a different time and space dimension.

Here, in the little mysterious back streets of Rhodes town in Greece, you’re overcome with silence and you’ll automatically tend to keep your voice down out of fear of disturbing this centuries old peace.

You will be amazed with the old medieval architecture, and will want to “adopt” every little forlorn house and make it your own magic castle, right here in the heart of Rhodes town.

Winding through the little alleyways, there is a surprise waiting behind every corner…

An entrance to a synagogue, one of the rare buildings still standing from the once flourishing Jewish community…

Little Byzantine churches blended in between houses, with a heavy and ancient air about them…

old architecture rhodes, old buildings rhodes

You will see mosques, baths and fountains built by long gone Pashas in the Turkish neighbourhood. Raise your head up and admire the muslim houses with typical wooden balconies.

On some streets you might come across little antique shops, souvenir shops, local restaurants, boutique hotels… whilst others are virtually deserted and cats seem to have taken over completely.

Just here and there you might come across a house whose door opens up directly into someone’s lounge. Sounds of the TV coming from inside and little old ladies in black having some Sunday morning coffee, might remind you there are actually some people around.

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Medieval stone arches supporting the façade of walls from times of the Knights, Byzantine wall remains scattered around your feet… it all pulls you into a crazy time warp that sometimes appears hard to get out of... even to the point of panic! Just kidding… well, kind of, because it really happened to us once. :)

But don’t worry, you are inside the walls so you cannot go too far. Just ask for Socratous street and in a few minutes you’ll be surrounded with fellow cruisers and other tourists again.

Enjoy your walk back in time in the little mysterious streets of Rhodos town in Greece. The memory of this part of town will stay vivid in your mind for many years after your Mediterranean cruise vacation to Rhodes!

Before you go exploring Rhodes on your own, it's always good to touch base with a professional and certified tour guide. Here's a few of our suggestions of making the most in the old town of Rhodes:



From RHODES TOWN GREECE to Mediterranean Cruise Ports Easy

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